Order /購買指南

📌How can I place an order?
You can place an order at www.jingsibooksncafe.com


您可以在靜思書軒官網 www.jingsibooksncafe.com 請購

Step 1: Sign up/Log in to your account  / 登入戶口 



Step 2: Product Category / 商品品類



Step 3: Select products and add to cart / 選擇產品放入購物車

Step 4: Key in your contact and delivery details / 輸入您的聯繫方式和收貨地址

Step 5 : Shipping method standard shipping / 標準運輸

Step 6: Select payment method / 選擇付款方式

Step 7: View your cart and click “Checkout” / 查看您的購物車並點擊“結帳

Step 8: Check your order details before clicking “Place Order Now”. Upon placing an order, it will be deemed thy the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Refund Policy are understood and accepted as applying to your order.

在單擊“立即下訂單”之前,請檢查訂單詳細信息。 下訂單後,即視為您已理解並接受服務條款、隱私政策和退款政策適用於您的訂單。

Step 9: Make payment and JingSi parcel will be sent to your doorstep soon!



How am I sure my order is placed successfully?
You will receive an order confirmation email once your order is successfully placed.


1.Payment Successful
3.EGHL Payment Notification

* tracking information given via email to check the delivery status.

* 通過電子郵件提供的包裹跟踪信息以檢查交付狀態。

Can I cancel my order? Will I be able to get a refund upon cancellation of my order?
Yes, you may contact us to cancel your order. it may take 14 days to process refund. Please be sure to check before payment.

是否可以取消訂單? 取消訂單後,能否獲得退款?
是的,您可以聯繫我們以便取消您的訂單。 處理退款可能需要 14 天工作時間。 請務必在付款前再三檢查。

My early order has been cancelled, why?
Your order will be cancelled automatically if the payment is not completed in 24 Hours. Alternatively, you may place a new order instead.

如果付款未在 24小時內完成,您的訂單將被自動取消。或者,您也可以下一個新訂單。