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【靜思書籍】The Deer King Saves a Man—Master Cheng Yen Tells Stories 3 /《靈鹿救人—證嚴上人說故事 3 》中英對照

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【靜思書籍】The Deer King Saves a Man—Master Cheng Yen Tells Stories 3 /《靈鹿救人—證嚴上人說故事 3 》中英對照 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes



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Master Cheng Yen teaches people to live a righteous and responsible life, and take Dharma to heart. Children’s minds are the most innocent and intelligent. Through simple text and colorful illustrations, basic values are passed down to the next generation. With easy-to-understand bilingual text (Traditional Chinese with pinyin and English), this book helps non-Chinese readers to learn Chinese and Chinese readers to learn English. 

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有一天,鹿王發現有個人在河裡快要溺水了,牠迅即的跳入水中,將那個人救上岸來。 鹿王不要任何回報,只要求他別向其他人吐露牠的行蹤。 獲救的人很感恩的答應了。但,他會遵守諾言嗎? 

The Deer King Saves a Man is one of the Master Cheng Yen Tells Stories series. This book contains two stories: “The Deer King Saves a Man” and “The Shoe Cobbler Becomes a King”. The deer protagonists bring out the truth of life, reminding the readers to cherish their own blessings, and to restrict their desires.

“The Deer King Saves a Man”—

There once lived a Deer King with a beautiful coat of nine colors. One day, the Deer King found a man drowning in the river.  He quickly jumped into the water and saved him.

The Deer King did not ask the man for anything in return, only that he kept this encounter to himself. The man was grateful and agreed, but would he keep his promise?


作者:釋證嚴 Shih Cheng Yen

繪者:林倩如 Winni Lin

翻譯:Tzu Chi USA Editorial Team

語言:繁體中文 / 英文


出版日期:2015 年 03 月


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